75.000 Ft
75.000 Ft
Create and manage canvas apps with Power Apps - Új!
Nehézségi szint: Intermediate
Nettó ár/fő:
75.000 Ft
1 nap
Az egy napos tanfolyam alatt a hallgatók megtanulhatják, hogyan hozzanak létre adatmodellt és canva appot a Power Apps segítségével, továbbá megismerkednek a Microsoft Dataverse használatával.
A Power Apps és a Microsoft Dataverse használatának elsajátítása.
Olyan szakembereknek ajánljuk, akik meg szeretnék tanulni, hogyan tudnak canva applikációkat létrehozni és menedzselni a Power Apps segítségével.
- Applikáció fejlesztés
- Képletek írása Excelben
- Adatok létrehozása, olvasása, frissítése és törlése
Get started with Power Apps canvas apps
Explore how Power Apps can make your business more efficient
Use different technologies to perform different tasks in Power Apps
Build a canvas app in Power Apps in different ways
Create your first canvas app from data in an Excel workbook
Get started with Microsoft Dataverse
Create tables with Dataverse
Add columns to a Dataverse table
Create relationships between tables with a lookup column
Customize a canvas app in Power Apps
Add screens to a canvas app and navigate between screens
Change the data displayed by controls
Modify controls including galleries and forms
Use basic formulas
How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps
Build the UI through themes, icons, control customization, and images
Use personalization in a canvas
Use preview and modify an app to fit different form factors
Work with external data in a Power Apps canvas app
Understand data sources for canvas apps in Power Apps
Use the Collect function
Write data in a Power Apps canvas app
Work with Forms in canvas apps
Configure a submit button to write data
Use and understand the different form modes
Publish, share, and maintain a canvas app
Learn how to manage versions and publish your app
Learn how to share your app
Manage the lifecycle of your app