65.000 Ft
65.000 Ft
65.000 Ft
65.000 Ft
65.000 Ft
65.000 Ft
Secure Azure services and workloads with Microsoft Defender for Cloud regulatory compliance controls - Új!
Nehézségi szint: Intermediate
Nettó ár/fő:
65.000 Ft
1 nap
Az egy napos kurzus alatt a hallgatók megismerik a Microsoft Defender for Cloud működését.
A szakembereket felkészíti a kurzus, hogy hatékonyan tudják a Microsoft biztonsági megoldásait használni a cloudsecurity megerősítéséhez, valamint az Azure felhőalapú rendszerén belül létrejövő fenyegetéseket észleljék és sikeresen kivédjék.
- Security Engineer
- Azure Security Engineers
- Azure szolgáltatások ismerete, alapvető biztonsági ismeretek
- Microsoft Defender for Cloud ismerete
- Megfelelési szabványokkal
Examine Defender for Cloud regulatory compliance standards
Regulatory compliance standards in Defender for Cloud
Microsoft cloud security benchmark in Defender for Clou
Improve your regulatory compliance in Defender for Cloud
Enable Defender for Cloud on your Azure subscription
Connect your Azure subscriptions
Filter network traffic with a network security group using the Azure portal
Azure resource group
Azure Virtual Network
How network security groups filter network traffic
Application security groups
Create a Log Analytics workspace
Log Analytics workspace
Collect guest operating system monitoring data from Azure and hybrid virtual machines using Azure Monitor Agent
Deploy the Azure Monitor Agent
Collect data with Azure Monitor Agent
Explore just-in-time virtual machine access
Understand just-in-time virtual machine access
Enable just-in-time access on virtual machines
Configure Azure Key Vault networking settings
Azure Key Vault basic concepts
Best practices for Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault network security
Configure Azure Key Vault firewalls and virtual networks
Azure Key Vault soft delete overview
Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Key Vault
Connect an Azure SQL server using an Azure Private Endpoint using the Azure portal
Azure Private Endpoint
Azure Private Link