Exam application
Exam Application Procedure
The application form must be duly completed, signed, and stamped and returned using one of the following methods:
- by e-mail: vizsga@szirtes.com
- by post: Szirtes Technologies Ltd., 1139 Budapest, Forgách street 21.
- by registration via the website: szirtes.com
Exam application forms must be submitted at least 6 working days before the examination date. Applications will be acknowledged in the order in which they are received. No changes can be made to the application or exam date after the above deadlines. By sending the completed copy of the application form, the applicant accepts the training offer and conditions of Szirtes Technologies Ltd., and commits to paying the fee for the training, which is sent after the confirmation, by the given deadline.
Exam application froms
The exam application forms can be downloaded from the links below or you can ask for the documents to be sent by our exam administrators.
In Hungarian:
In English:
How to pay
Candidates can pay for the exam by voucher, by transfer of the exam fee (with 8 or 15 day deadline) or in cash (before starting the exam). Participation in the examination is subject to the presentation of a receipt for payment of the invoice amount on the spot.
Exam cancellation
Exam cancellations are only accepted by our Testing Centre if it is submitted in writing to info@szirtes.com or vizsga@szirtes.com. If the exam is cancelled, the Customer is liable to pay the following:
- In case of cancellation two weeks (14 working days) before the exam: free of charge
- In case of cancellation within two weeks (8-13 working days) before the exam: 25% of the examination fee will be charged
- In case of cancellation within one week (2-7 working days) before the exam: 50% of the examination fee will be charged
- In case of cancellation two days (2 working days) before the exam, cancellation on the day of the exam or in the case of absence without written notification: 100% of the examination fee will be charged
Read our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for exam registrations:
Signing and sending the application form and registering for our courses through the website constitutes the conclusion of a contract and acceptance of the "General Terms and Conditions (GTC)" and the "Privacy Policy".