275.000 HUF 310.000 HUF
310.000 HUF
310.000 HUF
310.000 HUF
Net price/person:
310.000 HUF
3 Day
Get started with Microsoft data analytics
Discover data analysis
Getting Started with Power BI
Prepare Data in Power BI Desktop
Connect to data
Explore the data
Clean and transform the data
Design a Model in Power BI
Data Modeling introduction
Manage relationships
Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop
DAX calculations
Advanced DAX
Optimize DAX performance
Create Reports in Power BI Desktop
Work with visuals
Report layout and interactions
Navigation, sort, filters
Enhance design with report elements
Perform advanced analytics in Power BI Desktop
Explore insights with Advanced Analytics
Leverage AI visuals
Deploy and maintain Power BI service items
Create and manage workspaces
Distribute and manage content
Create a dashboard
Using dashboards
Implement Row-level security in Power BI
Row-level security overview