225.000 HUF
225.000 HUF
225.000 HUF
225.000 HUF
During the three-day course, students will learn advanced techniques of the Python programming language, object-oriented programming, parallel programming, and how to use Python for data analysis and processing.
The aim of the course is to acquire the skills needed to automate operational processes and to learn how to use Python for advanced data processing and data analysis.
We recommend the training to professionals who want to improve their Python skills, professionals who work with data and who want to learn about the data analysis and data processing techniques provided by Python.
Required background: python basics with experience.
Python haladó ismeretek
Haladó objektum orientált programozás: dekorátor, többes öröklés
Haladó technikák használata: map, reduce, filter, itertools
Párhuzamos programozás: multiprocesszing, multithreading, aszinkron
HTTP kezelése
Hibakezelés, tesztelés
Fejlesztői eszközök áttekintése (Pandas, Jupyter notebook)
Források beszerzése: excel, web, adatbázis
BigData kezelés python alapon elérhető eszközökkel (numpy, pandas, scypi, sklearn, nltk)
Vizualizáció (Matplotlib, Seaboarn)
Adatok minőségének vizsgálata a megismert eszközök segítségével
Adattisztítás, bevezetés a feature engineeringbe
Accuracy, Consistency, Completeness
NLP: lowercasing, stopwords, punctuation, non-words, tokenizing, lemmatizing, stemming, url, html tags, abbreviations
ML: hiányzó adatok, kiugró értékek kezelése, Dropping columns
Syllabus in English
Advanced Python skills
- Advanced object-oriented programming: decorator, multiple inheritance
- Advanced techniques: map, reduce, filter, itertools
- Parallel programming: multiprocessing, multithreading, asynchronous
- Managing HTTP
- Troubleshooting, testing
Data processing
- Developer tools overview (Pandas, Jupyter notebook)
- Obtaining sources: excel, web, database
- BigData management with python-based tools (numpy, pandas, scypi, sklearn, nltk)
- Visualization (Matplotlib, Seaboarn)
- Data cleaning, introduction to feature engineering
- Accuracy, Consistency, Completeness
- NLP: lowercasing, stopwords, punctuation, non-words, tokenizing, lemmatizing, stemming, url, html tags, abbreviations
- ML: missing data, handling of outliers, Dropping columns